Everything to Know about Program Management (PgMP) Webinar on March 20, 2019

Send us your email and we’ll send you an invite and instructions for this free live webinar on Join.me  Wednesday, March 20, 2019, 1:00 p.m. Eastern,  12:00 noon Central, 10:00 a.m. Pacific.  Sign Up Below.

Summary:  Program management is one of the latest frontiers in the development and maturity of project management. Programs are collections of related projects, and they are managed as a program to achieve significant business benefits. Programs are usually large and complex, and managing them well is viewed as a competitive advantage.

Think about this example.  Imagine two competitors in the same industry: Company A successfully delivers a new capability, creates a new department, or develops a new complex product.  Company B, a competitor, struggles. Which company is likely to be more competitive?

This presentation provides an overview of program management, positions program management in the context of project, program, portfolio, and other organizational endeavors, highlights how to think like a program manager, and finally discusses the Program Management Professional (PgMP) certification.

Description:    Even though program management has been in existence for over 20 years, its application is still in its infancy.  Now, nearly a dozen years after PMI introduces the Program Management Professional (PgMP) credential, there are less than 3,000 PgMPs in the world. But as competition and technology changes intensify, organizations are taking bolder actions – often resulting in larger and more complex endeavors.  Program management is this new frontier of strategic business execution – managing a collection of highly related projects as a whole and achieving values that otherwise would not be possible. For project management professionals, especially those who are Project Management Professional (PMP), program management is the logical next step in your professional and career development.

This presentation is organized into two main parts:

  1. About Program and Program Management
  2. About Program Management Professional (PgMP)

In Part 1, after introducing program and program management and making a strong case for its purpose including references to PMIAA (Program Management Improvement and Accountability Act), the discussion focuses on providing the proper context of program management and how it fits within the organizational activities.

In Part 2, the presentation explains the PMI Program Management Professional (PgMP) certification.  It starts with the story of Dr. Te Wu, who became a PgMP in 2010. We will explore some up to date statistics on the growing number of PgMPs in the world and the United States. For example, do you know which U.S. state has the highest number of PgMPs? We will cover the credential process and provide an overview of the PgMP exam.  The webinar will end with an overview of PMO Advisory’s PgMP resources including its boot camps, book, PgMP Exam Simulator, and free resources.

Why Attend?:  To develop a better understanding of the next step in the project management progression and to learn about how to attain the PgMP certification.

Who Will Benefit? :  Program management professionals, experienced project managers, professionals with PMP, and business executives interested in learning the importance of program management.

Outcome:   At the end of the presentation, participants will:

  1. Gain a fuller understanding of the challenges confronting organizations as they attempt to bring their ideas to fruition
  2. Introspectively and comparatively analyze project management between your experience and the latest practices
  3. Articulate the how the various areas of project management come together, how they compliment each other, and work together to deliver greater value.

Meet the Presenter

Dr. Te Wu

Dr. Te Wu


Prof. Dr. Te Wu is the CEO of PMO Advisory, a PMI Global R.E.P, an Assistant Professor at Montclair State University, and a visiting professor at CEIBS (Ranked #1 in Asia). Te is certified in Portfolio, Program, Project, and Risk Management and won Honorable Mention in 2015 Project of the Year by the PMI-NJ. He is an active volunteer including serving on PMI’s Portfolio and Risk Management Core Team and on ISO TC 258 (on project, program, and portfolio management) as a U.S. delegate. With his vast experiences as a practitioner, executive, teacher, writer, and researcher, he is a frequent speaker at professional conferences.

Send us your email and we’ll send you an invite and instructions for this free LIVE webinar on Join.me  Wednesday, March 20, 2019, 1:00 p.m. Eastern,  12:00 noon Central, 10:00 a.m. Pacific.


Everything to Know about Program Management (PgMP) Webinar

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

1:00 p.m. Eastern    12:00 noon Central    10 a.m. Pacific 


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