Portfolio Management Summit 2025

May 30, 2025 | 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM U.S. E.T.

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Note: We will review your topic proposal and reach out to you 

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Portfolio Management Summit 2025

Project portfolio management is emerging to become one of the most important developments in project management field for three primary reasons: 1) To stay competitive, organizations are striving to work on projects that are deeply aligned with their strategies; 2) To better tackle big challenges such as risks, resources, governance, and performance; 3) To improve investment performance and achieve even higher results by “doing the right projects” that compliments with “doing them the right way” (through program and project management).

But forums for project portfolio management are rare, and we know of many project portfolio professionals seeking to find suitable gathers. This problem is especially acute for those with the Portfolio Management Professional (PfMP) certifications who needs to earn sufficient “Ways of Working” or technical Professional Development Units (PDUs) to maintain their certifications.

PMO Advisory, a PMI Authorized Training Partner and a leader in project portfolio management, is organizing a virtual summit where portfolio professionals of all levels can gather, learn, network, and explore the rich field of project portfolio management.

Where we add value

How can PMO Advisory provide value in this event?

As a leader in project management, PMO Advisory has been offering portfolio management training and consulting since 2013. We were one of the first, if not the first, to offer PfMP training.  Our CEO, Dr. Te Wu, was the eighth in the world to obtain that certification (and with attribution, he is likely now the first in the US to attain and maintain this certification).  He has published or contributed to a number of portfolio management publications, including serving as a PMI core committing member that developed the Standard Portfolio Management Fourth Edition, leading as one of the main editors for “Implementation Project Portfolio Management” (a PMI publication), writing two additional books on the PfMP Exam Preparation (The Sensible Guide to Passing the PfMP Exam and Making Choices).

PMO Advisory is planning to organize a virtual summit for project portfolio management professionals to achieve the following objectives:

  1. To promote learning and advancing project portfolio management through presentation by experts in the field
  2. To network with project portfolio management experts and practitioners
  3. To encourage and enable project portfolio management professionals to consider obtaining the PMI PfMP credential
  4. To earn “Way of Working” or technical PDUs (professional development units) for current PfMP credential holders

Earn PDUs

Earning PDUs allows you to adapt to changes in industry standards, regulations, and practices, ensuring that your skills remain relevant and applicable.

Learn from Experts

Learn about good and practices in project portfolio management to further your knowledge.

Ask Hard Questions!

Ask questions about Project Portfolio Management. We plan to publish a Q&A page shortly after the summit.


Cancellation Policy

We understand that circumstances can change, and sometimes cancellations are unavoidable. Please review our cancellation policy for the “Portfolio Management Summit 2025” below:

  1. Cancellation Requests: Cancellation requests must be submitted in writing via email to training[@]pmoadvisory.com. Please provide your full name, registration details, and the reason for the cancellation.
  2. Refund Schedule:
    • Cancellations made 5 to 6 weeks before the summit will be eligible for a full refund of the registration fee.
    • Cancellations made between 3 to 4 weeks before the summit will be eligible for a 50% refund of the registration fee.
    • Cancellations made two weeks or less before the summit will not be eligible for a refund.
  3. Substitutions: If you are unable to attend the summit, you have the option to substitute another individual in your place. Please inform us of the substitution at least two weeks before the summit.
  4. Non-Attendance: If you do not attend the summit without prior cancellation or substitution, no refunds will be issued but we will send you the recording of the event.
  5. Processing Time: Refunds will be processed within 5 business days after the summit concludes.

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Join the exclusive group we have created for aspiring and current Portfolio Managers. You can also ask questions, connect, and interact with our community inside the group.