Project Capability Assessment

The Value of Project Management
In today’s economy where the winds of change come fast and furious, business results are driven by efficient project execution. But with project failure rates at an all time high, a significant gap has become evident between project management capability and corporate expectations.
A competitive advantage is to be gained by organization that are able to develop their project managers to have the appropriate skills and knowledge and can match those capabilities with the needs of the organization.
The PMO Advisory Project Manager Capability Assessment identifies both individual strengths along with development needs at all levels of project management within your organization, from directors to team members. From this highly targeted professional development programs are designed aligned with the organizations priorities and goals.
Organization-wide Benefits
» Identifies the spectrum of overall competency and capability in your employees across all project roles
» Generates unbiased, clear, and objective data to support investment decisions and to measure return on investment
» Aligns skills strategically with the organisation’s project portfolio
» Provides a basis for performance management for project managers, from directors to team members
Project Management Specialist
PMO Advisory has helped global corporations, defense contractors and government agencies achieve better business outcomes. Our experience has been the foundation for the development of our Project Manager Capability Assessment, enabling us to benchmark best-practice business techniques and to structure the real-world management criteria against which participants are evaluated.
Project Manager Capability Assessments
The PMO Advisory Capability Assessments leverage technology, best practice and expert industry knowledge to deliver one of the most useful and cost effective capability assessments in the project management sector. We have developed a unique standard of ‘people and process’ skill sets against which participants are assessed. These crucial capabilities were compiled utilizing PMO Advisory’ extensive experience across project environments in all industries and enterprise areas. Focused on a wide range of competencies, the assessment is integral to:
» Retaining and developing talent
» Advancing career development within the organisation
» Identifying areas for cross-skilling and up-skilling
» Streamlining career development, education and accreditation
» Achieving greater accountability for education decisions