“I would recommend “The Carrot Principle: How the Best Managers Use Recognition to Engage Their People, Retain Talent, and Accelerate Performance by Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton. It demonstrates how when managers effectively recognize the work of their employees, they have lower staff turnover rates than other managers and achieve better strategic results.  Praising and recognizing the efforts of your team can reap highly positive gains in an IT Project management environment. It makes the recipient feel good in a world where much talked about and well published ‘failure’ rates can have a very negative effect on morale.  From an organisational point of view, praise can bolster a team member’s commitment to both the firm and you, their manager.   However, it needs to be delivered effectively – so get good at it!  Get in the habit of praising genuine achievements in a timely, constructive and specific manner and you will reap the benefits! ” – David Cotgreave for Project Accelerator UK, edited and excerpted from his article, “A promotion is nice, a bonus is quickly squandered, in IT Project Management, it’s praise that pays“, click here to read the article in its entirety. [end]

Well said and we agree!  PMO Advisory offers courses throughout the year designed for project professionals interested in Portfolio (PfMP), Program (PgMP), Project (PMP & CAPM) Risk (PMI-RMP) Management, and Agile (PMI-ACP) certifications.
