1. Be true to yourself

“Look in the mirror every day and ask yourself 3 questions:

1. How do you feel about yourself?
2. Are you having fun?
3. How am I going to make a difference today?”

2. Be respectful to others
It is important to develop a mindset in which everyone is equal and there are opportunities for learning at every corner. This is especially useful when working in a diverse environment.

3. Be nice to others, whenever possible
It is easy to be nice when you are happy. But when the situation is tense, take a deep breadth before responding. Someone once said that the shortest distance between 2 people is a smile. So smile.

4. Take charge

Leaders lead, and thus it is important for leaders to make difficult decisions, trade off on competing agendas, and take responsibilities, especially when it is challenging.

5. Speak up
Leaders must speak up when necessary but must also give voice to others and encourage them to speak up, especially in challenging situations. It is important to challenge you and others to think critically and speak up.

6. Manage Expectations
We are all shaped by our expectations – a strong belief of a future condition. It can be wonderful when realized and devastating when not. Therefore, it is important to proactively establish, manage, and adjust expectations of the key stakeholders.

7. Be Just
One hallmark of successful leaders is to be morally fair and commit actions that are justifiable. It is the basis of integrity and underpins teaming.

8. Be Positive
Leaders have to believe the art of possible, even when confronted with daunting challenges. The ability to be upbeat and optimistic can be infectious to the followers. This is not about spinning, rather, it is a belief that every problem offers opportunities.

9. Be Generous with Time
Leaders are often very busy people, and time is likely the most valuable asset. By offering this most valuable asset, you’ll show generosity.

10. Be a Great Teacher
Followers look to leader for direction and guidance. Consequently, willingly or unwillingly, leaders are teachers, coaches, mentors, and instructors. But great leaders take this role seriously – to create the next generation of leaders.