“A colleague of mine is known for her strong approach to delivery and successful projects.   I called her and we had tea recently. She took me through the things that make her teams successful:

  • Active executive sponsorship and a clear business case
  • A kick off meeting
  • Weekly team meetings and a monthly face-to-face team meeting
  • Agendas and minutes and holding the team accountable for their actions
  • The expectation of success and a mindset where failure is not an option.

I was waiting for something radical: the nugget of gold that I could put into play with my project team. It didn’t come.

As I drained the last of my tea I realized that it wouldn’t come. She’s leading successful projects using project management best practice, not magic.   There’s nothing there I couldn’t do, or haven’t done in the past.”  – Elizabeth Harrin, excerpted from her article “WHY I’VE LOST MY WAY AS A PROJECT MANAGER“, click here to read the article in its entirety and visit the site, “A Girl’s Guide to Project Management“.   [ end ]

Well said!   PMO Advisory is excited to offer courses throughout the year designed for project professionals interested in Portfolio (PfMP), Program (PgMP), Project (PMP & CAPM) Risk (PMI-RMP) Management, and Agile (PMI-ACP) certifications.
