Are they worth it? [Project Management Certifications].   My name is Te Wu and I am the founder of PMO Advisory, this common question [ are Project Management Certifications Worth It?] got me thinking and now writing.   First, some background: I have three certifications from Project Management Institute (PMI). They are Portfolio, Program, and Project Management (PfMP, PgMP, and PMP). According to PMI’s certification registry, there are less than 50 of us in the world with these 3 certifications. On PfMP, I am one of the first ten in the world obtaining the certification (# 8 in the world and #5 in the US). Sounds impressive, right? Well, it depends.

All my certifications are “defensive” moves. By defensive, I mean that I no longer truly need it for professional growth. My philosophy on building defense certifications is that I will likely tumble at some point in my career. (I believe that is true for vast majority of us unless you are truly luck.) And once I start falling, how far do I fall before I can pick up again. By having these certifications, my hope is that the fall from grace is a bit gentler as my resiliency is higher; I can start climbing again quicker. (This is just a theory and I hope I do not have to put it test.) For example, when I obtained my PMP in 2003, I was already leading a consulting practice of project professionals. When I became certified in PgMP in 2010, I was already the global director of projects and leading one of the two tracks of the largest project in our company’s IT history. And most recently when I completed the PfMP in January 2014, I have managed many large portfolios. So these certifications are not “offensive” in nature as I am not looking for these certifications to further my professional growth.

I know that my certifications actually hurt me in my last job as the global director of project services at KPMG (and also as a professor at a college). In both cases, having the PMI certifications pegged me into a small box. At KPMG for example, I was seen as a process wonk when I see myself as hands-on and solution/result oriented. PMI certifications gave me project management credibility, but senior leadership saw me as too theoretical and process oriented. Ironically, even in my teaching career, I was put into a box of project management. I have heard a number of times that “Te’s expertise is in project management and not proven in other management area” when I actually have broad management expertise, both in academia and in practice. Thus, fairly or unfairly, I know firsthand that certifications can actually hurt. To further prove the point, as a hiring manager, I rarely am impressed with certifications by themselves. Unless professionals have real and proven experiences, certifications can even damage their professional credibility by pursuing a role that’s beyond their capabilities.

So what is the worth of these certifications? Is it worth spending the money, time, and resources not only to obtain but also to maintain? So here is my take:

• It’s worth it. For those who are climbing the professional ladders, certifications will provide immediate credibility. Even for those who like me have progressed beyond the need for these certifications, PMI’s body of knowledge provide excellent framework to organize our knowledge and experiences. Plus, the credibility of both experience and certifications comes very handy. And if you are ever unsure whether the certification could hurt you, downplay it or just not mention it. The error of omission is far less damaging then the lie of addition.

• But it is not worth it for people who have no real experience in these areas. There are two major resulting problems: 1) By not able to deliver, you are putting yourself and the hiring organization at risk. 2) You are furthering damaging the credibility of the certifications. Here, I advocate to my junior colleagues and students that consider pursuing CAPM (for project management) or take on project management roles and build a solid experience before embarking on PMP, PgMP, PfMP, or other certifications. The truth is rather simply, if you climb too quickly and are not ready, the fall can be disastrous for everyone.

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