“In many cases, IT projects that fail are not closely enough aligned to their sponsor’s business strategy.  Project Management can only deliver on business expectations when it is deliberately designed to do so – when you intend it!  Everything that you do must contribute to your business strategy.   It can be hard  aligning business missions with project management – remember I said the solution was simple – I didn’t say it was easy”! –  David Cotgreave Project Accelerator UK  [end]

We agree and perhaps a PMO insider can be helpful!   PMO Advisory LLC, a leader in the fields of project, program and portfolio management, is launching a new comprehensive curriculum in Project Management Office (PMO) in the Fall of 2016.  The first of the courses entitled “Successful Project Management Office”  is designed for PMO professionals and project practitioners and is scheduled to be held on October 31st to November 4th, 2016 in New York City, Click here for details!


PMO Advisory is offering a FREE Webinar on the “Essentials of Project Management Office (PMO)” on Monday August 1, 2016 from 1:00-2:00pm EDT. To join click here!  All participants will earn 1 PDU and receive special discounts for our upcoming classes.