LegalShift, LLC, a leading advisor to corporate general counsel in the areas of process and technology, announces a significant new milestone in its legal project management (LPM) solutions. LegalShift’s LPM processes and tools are now being leveraged to manage over 15,000 legal matters across a wide range of practice areas. LegalShift believes this represents the broadest application of LPM tools and techniques in the legal industry to date.

LPM is quickly being recognized as a critical competency for in-house legal teams, particularly those law departments striving to more proactively manage legal spend and improve operational efficiency. Unique in its qualifications and real-world experience with LPM tools and techniques, LegalShift offers specialized advisory services to help law departments better understand, design and implement an effective LPM program.

“Matter management systems and other practice support technologies alone do not go far enough to affect the behavioral changes necessary to control legal spend. While audit-driven systems may aid decision-making after the fact, they do little to create a culture of proactive partnering,” states LegalShift Managing Director and Corporate Counsel Scott Rosenberg. He adds, “The approach is not unlike going to a doctor to receive treatment for symptoms, when the real need is to cure the underlying condition.”

LegalShift President/CEO Dan Safran shares, “We continue expanding our services to ease the working relationships between law departments and their outside lawyers and law firms. Our LPM service offerings support our overall mission of helping legal entities optimize their processes, lower costs, lower spend and increase value.”

LegalShift consultants have already achieved multiple LPM certifications including Project Management Professional (PMP), Toyota Production System (Lean) and Six Sigma, demonstrating the company’s commitment to excellence in LPM and efficiency improvement.  Visit LegalShift by clicking here. [end]

PMO Training by PMO Advisory, Fall of 2016 in New York City  Click Here!
