“The Timeline: The PMO Sponsor must decide which priority is the greatest: Getting the PMO up and running by a specific target date or making sure the hiring (especially for the PMO leader) matches the desired traits as closely as possible. If there is a date that cannot move, it is possible some compromises will be made in the hiring process.

Once that is determined, the timeline can be fleshed out as with any other project. You do a work breakdown on the key deliverables (hiring staff, establishing policies and standards, creating/assigning work space, executing the organizational change management plan). Assign the tasks, estimate the durations, and determine dependencies. Mix all of these together and the result is your schedule for establishing the PMO.” – excerpted from ProfessorPM.com

Well said!  PMO Advisory LLC, a leader in the fields of project, program and portfolio management, is launching a new comprehensive curriculum in Project Management Office (PMO) in the Fall of 2016.  The first of the courses entitled “Successful Project Management Office”  is designed for PMO professionals and project practitioners and is scheduled to be held on October 31st to November 4th, 2016 in New York City, Click here for details!


FREE Webinar  “Essentials of Project Management Office (PMO)”

Monday, August 1, 2016 from 1:00-2:00pm Eastern Standard Time

 To join click here!

All participants will earn 1 PDU and receive special discounts for our upcoming classes.