“Competition, limited resources, internal and external environmental factors, time and budgetary constraints, are increasingly impacting businesses. Leaders will need to transform their PMOs or project management teams to focus all efforts around reaching business goals.

While industry benchmarks are useful in planning directionally, leaders will need to focus less on general industry-related data that sometimes guides planning sessions, and more on precise business strengths and weaknesses to determine the best opportunities to reach specific identified objectives. Setting up an enterprise project management office (EPMO) that is focused solely on reaching overall business strategy instead of individual departmental goals can greatly increase the chances of reaching those goals. ” – Moira Alexander, for CIO, Read the Full Article “5 Trends That Will Transform Project Management” by  clicking here.

We agree!  PMO Advisory LLC, a leader in the fields of project, program and portfolio management, is launching a new comprehensive curriculum in Project Management Office (PMO) in the Fall of 2016.  The first of the courses entitled “Successful Project Management Office”  is designed for PMO professionals and project practitioners and is scheduled to be held on October 31st to November 4th, 2016 in New York City, Click here for details!


PMO Advisory is offering a FREE Webinar on the “Essentials of Project Management Office (PMO)” on Friday August 1, 2016 from 1:00-2:00pm EDT with additional dates in September 2016 and beyond. This webinar will present an overview of this training course as well as other related courses in the curriculum. To join click here!  All participants will earn 1 PDU and receive special discounts for our upcoming classes.