“Governance happens in corporations at three levels”.   “So what should a CIO take away about governance? Here are three steps I recommend:

  • First, assign one accountable owner of integrating governance, whether that’s the project management office or a group created to oversee a large implementation like an ERP system.
  • Second, figure out who is accountable to who. Will IT be accountable to the board level or the executive level? Aligning the governance structures is critical.
  • Third, determine what governances exist, what may need to be created, and what can be streamlined.

Get your governance house in order, and you’ll always know how to execute your program, and most importantly make the decisions you need to go forward.” – Jen Skrabak, Excerpted from her article, “3 ways CIOs can achieve consistent efficiency with governance” for  The Enterprisers Project.  Click here to read the article in its entirety.

Well said!   No matter how seasoned an executive is, the ever-changing business world requires even the most experienced leaders to adapt by learning both new skills and new ways of thinking. PMO Advisory has developed half-day live virtual and 1-day face-to-face training courses that are highly effective options when seeking to enhance the skills of an employee while making the most effective use of time and securing the best value from a training budget. One of the benefits of these short courses is that the expenditure is kept to a minimum as travel and accommodation are reduced. Secondly, the time actually implementing the learning is amplified as the number of hours invested in learning is narrowed to what is essential and required.

PMO Advisory’s Business Execution Essential Series covers 7 specific topics, each a half-day live virtual and a 1-day accelerated training program on: (1) Strategic Business Execution (SBE), (2) Portfolio Management, (3) Program Management, (4) Project Management, (5) Project Management Office (PMO), (6) Risk Management, and (7) Organization Change Management.  Click Here to learn about our Project Management Career : Business Execution Essentials Courses
