Good Employee, Poor Management

Introduction Over the holidays, my family took a short relaxing trip to the Poconos for a bit of skilling and relaxation. We stayed at the Bushkill Inns and Conference Center, a newly renovated hotel that is one of the best in the area. TripAdvisors and other travel...

Law of Unintended Consequences

Recently, I had a negative experience with one of my favorite cloud services – Dropbox. Dropbox is one of the most mature of the cloud storage services, and the apps are on every platform I can think of. It is also pre-integrated with many if not most of the...

Is Management a Science or Art

Some say management is a science because like other scientific pursuits, there are predictable patterns that we can see, touch, and feel. Perhaps most important of all, it can be proven wrong – which is the hallmark of science. Like finding the nth digit to the...

Why Negativity is Really Awesome

Cases proving the value of in-house critics, dissenters and whistle blowers demonstrate that “groupidity”, a special form of groupthink wherein we collectively become willing to take risks we individually recognize as stupid, is alive and well. Since most new ideas...