Celoxis: More Than Just a Typical Project Management Tool / Software Review
We came across an interesting review from Dianna Labrien for Techco.com, she writes: What if your project management software was powered up…
We came across an interesting review from Dianna Labrien for Techco.com, she writes: What if your project management software was powered up…
As we start 2016, the most important topic that should be on the minds of working professionals is individual competitiveness…
CrowdReviews.com, a platform for reviews and rankings of software vendors, has announced plans to rank project management software companies. The…
Anne Murray for McKnights writes:Here are the four big mistakes that get in the way of good software project management…
These are for excellent tips when you are working with people remotely. But I think there is something more fundamental.…
Ben Linders penned a great article for InfoQ, he writes: At the Agile Tour London 2015 Graham Dick gave a talk about the…
"Project Management" was #3 on the list of top 10 skills on track to be most in demand, according to IT pros…
Francesca Sales, Editor for SearchCIO writes: Project management is commonly thought of as a practice suited mainly to larger businesses.…
As it's the first business day for 2016, we thought Brad Egeland's for CIO article merited taking a look at,…
We came across a good article by Tim Wasserman for Computer Weekly , he writes: The most effective project management organisations spend…