Chris Tepedino for Dzone writes: [excerpted] “…..Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber, two of the signatories on the Manifesto, wrote that commendation of Nonaka and Takeuchi in The Scrum Papers, which defined and explained the Agile process. For them, scrum was a term that encompassed both the daily stand-up meetings where team members share goals and obstacles, sprints where it’s important to not change the end date, and a sprint review—and then on to the next sprint. It’s a continuous development model based on iterations, far from traditional top-down models of software development. It’s also “cool.”
“Scrum is an Agile methodology that delivers software to customer and end users faster, better, and cooler,” Sutherland writes. And he adds, “…coolness is a requirement at Google, Yahoo, and most software game companies. It must be highly suited to a creative approach to development of complex and innovative systems….” SNIP, Chris Tepedino’s article continues @ Dzone, click here to continue reading….
Join us in a Free Webinar called “Unraveling the Secrets of Scrum in 30 Minutes” on Friday, June 24 where we’ll explain how you can improve your work through Scrum and even become a Certified Scrum Master!
“Unraveling the Secrets of Scrum in 30 Minutes”
Free 30 Minute Webinar on SCRUM!
Friday June 24, 2016, 10am – 10:30am Eastern Standard Time
PMO Advisory LLC
466 Pompton Ave, Suite 4, Cedar Grove, NJ 07028, USA
844-PMO-CERT ▪
PMP, PgMP, & PfMP, Risk, PMO, Agile, & Scrum
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