
PMO Advisory specializes in strategic business execution. We offer full consulting solution to help our clients achieve their strategy. Our value proposition is simply compelling. We are highly certified, highly experienced, and highly customer-oriented in our approach.

Not understanding the word “risk” in Project Management | PMP, PgMP & PfMP Training in NYC & DC

"In regular life, when you hear the word “risk,” you probably translate it to the following statement, “There is a…

PMO Advisory

Program Management Improvement Accountability Act (PMIAA, S:1550)

  Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning. ~ Benjamin Franklin  …

Dr. Te Wu

36% of healthcare CIOs said they have project management skills shortages

“The Healthcare industry IT spend has been historically low, but recent high profile security breaches, concerns over regulatory compliance, increasing…

PMO Advisory

Test Taking Tip for PMP, PgMP, PfMP, and Other PMI Exams at Prometrics

PMI Exam Procedure Update Be aware! One of the most common tips for the PMP (and other PMI Exams) is…

Dr. Te Wu

China outdoes India in project management | PMP, PgMP, & PfMP Training in NYC & DC

"China and India have very different cultures as well as different expectations. Chinese organizations understand the need to be dedicated…

PMO Advisory

Transitioning From a Project Manager to a Scrum Master | PMP, PgMP, & PfMP Training in NYC & DC

Smartsheet offered interesting insight...they write: "The transition from a Project Manager to a Scrum Master is not impossible, but can…

PMO Advisory

PMI Business Analysis Virtual Conference 2016, November 2, Free Event!

PMI Business Analysis Virtual Conference 2016, PMI Delivers the World of Business Analysis—for Free November 2, 2016, 8:30AM - 4:45PM EST…

PMO Advisory

Big data project management | PMP, PgMP, & PfMP Training in NYC

" Big corporations are continually working on several projects simultaneously. Ensuring that several projects are worked on within the same…

PMO Advisory

Transforming projects through effective portfolio management | PMP, PgMP & PfMP Training in NYC

"One way to achieve more at a lower cost is to partner with businesses that are operating locally. Walker said…

PMO Advisory

PMIAA : Program management bill aims to boost acquisition efficiency | Project Management Training in NYC

Sam Skolnik for BNA writes: Congress is close to passing a bill that, for the first time, would institute a dedicated career…

PMO Advisory


We are one of the few Authorized Training Partner (PMI ATP #4172) by Project Management Institute that offers the entire range of Portfolio- (PfMP)®, Program- (PgMP)®, and Project- (PMP)® Management training. Our price is already competitive. Plus, to fulfill our social mission, we offer substantial discounts to veterans, unemployed professionals, and full time students in the United States.